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14 Surprising Ways How Can I Check if My Laptop Was Hacked? 12 Ways How Safe From Computer Hacking Can Help You Live to 100. Can Affect Your Health


Cyber attacks happen very often, and everyone is worried about the safety of their data. To prevent your passwords and other important data from being stolen, you have to pay attention to an  changes on your computer.

Reasons why you were hacked in the first place


Hackers, like any criminals, are opportunists. Just like a shop window left open or a bag left unattended, some online activities leave you vulnerable to hacks. 

For safer browsing, you should: 

·       Avoid opening suspicious email attachments.

·       Make sure your operating system (OS) is up to date: you’ll be regularly informed of updates on your phone or computer. Don’t put off installing these updates as they help keep your device’s security current.  

·       Use strong passwords, including numbers, letters and punctuation – and not your mother’s maiden name 


How do I know that my computer is hacked?


If your computer is hacked, you might notice some of the following symptoms:


1.     Frequent pop-up windows, especially the ones that encourage you to visit unusual sites, or download antivirus or other software

2.     Changes to your home page

3.     Mass emails being sent from your email account

4.     Frequent crashes or unusually slow computer performance

5.     Unknown programs that startup when you start your computer

6.     Programs automatically connecting to the Internet

7.     Unusual activities like password changes

8.     The computer works very slowly.  Your personal data is on the internet, even though you didn’t put it there.

9.     Google searches are redirecting to sites you didn’t intend to visit.

10.  There’s been an installation of an app that you’re unfamiliar with.

11.  You’re seeing suspicious pop-up ads, such as fake antivirus warnings. (Please do not click on these, by the way!)

12.  People on your email contact lists receive social media invites that you didn’t send.

13.  Your computer slows down or freezes.

14.  You notice rogue, third-party activity ranging from the very small (keyboard strokes, your mouse moving) to the very big (money taken from your online bank or credit card account).




What to do right away after your computer gets hacked

Okay, firstly, don’t panic. Nothing harmful may have happened yet. And secondly, you can probably mitigate anything bad that has happened. 

Here’s what to do…

1. Reset your passwords

This might seem onerous at first – you have a lot of passwords after all! But focus on the key places; social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), emails, devices (phone, laptop and so on) and anywhere involving credit cards and finance (shopping, banking). 

2. Log out of all online accounts

After you’ve reset passwords, log out. It’s easy to forget that we tend to have our social media (and other online accounts) set to automatically log us in. 

3. Disconnect from the internet

Next, shut down contact to the internet: that means turning off WiFi on your computer or Mac, and switching phones and tablets to airplane mode. 


 4. Spread the word

Unfortunately, your hack might have affected people in your contact list: friends and families might have been emailed by a hacker posing as you. If that happens, it’s important to contact those who have been emailed or texted to let them know you weren’t behind the message and you may have been hacked.


And if your hack was the result of clicking on a suspicious email or attachment, it’s a good idea to warn others of the attack. Similar hacks tend to happen in waves, as multiple victims are contacted at a time. 

5. Closely monitor your credit and financial accounts

After the hack, keep an eye on your online expenditures, regularly checking your bank and credit card accounts. 

7. Install security software

Naturally, up-to-date, reputable security software is the best line of defense against a future hack. 


8. Wipe your hard drive (if necessary)

If your scan reveals a virus or hack, you can (and probably should) wipe your hard drive, then reinstall your OS. Wiping means to permanently erase, so be aware that whatever you’re deleting will be gone for good unless you back it up.


Do not just manually delete files: they’ll still exist somewhere in your hard drive. Instead, use a downloadable programme to carry out the wipe. Like a virus scan, a wipe will let you know when it’s been carried out completely. 

9. Maintain strong passwords

Remember to keep strong passwords and to change them regularly. Include a combination of numbers, letters and punctuation and try to use different passwords for your various online accounts. 

10. Don’t leave your devices unattended in public

Even two minutes is time enough for a hacker to gain personal information or sow the seeds for a later hack. 

11.  Keep files backed up

It’s good practice to maintain important or sensitive files beyond your computer, ideally in multiple places, USB, external hard drives, cloud storage, or if you’re feeling especially cautious, all of the above. 

12. Ensure your firewall is properly configured

You should have a firewall installed on your computer. A firewall in a building is a sealed wall that prevents the spread of fire. On your computer, it works the same way.


You can configure your firewall to block communication between your computer server and another. This firewall block could filter based on suspicious IP addresses (other specific servers), potentially dangerous phrases, or even a website. 



Hope you understand . for any dought comment bellow.

Stay safe and stay sequre. Have a good day .


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